This is extremely difficult to do but let’s try together.
First, turn off the T.V. in your bathroom, your kitchen, your bedroom, your kids’ room and the living room.
Turn off your IPod and shut down that Mac.
Don't reach for that phone.
Put down the People magazine or whatever journal du jour lives on your desk.
Now sit in a comfy but not too comfy, as it might put you to sleep, chair or sofa.
Take a deep breath.
Slowly let it out.
Did you hear that? Don’t be alarmed. Its just silence. True it can be deafening but if you practice first once a day, then maybe twice a day for about 10 minutes, you might actually hear your own thoughts. Ahhh, yes. Imagine that. If you can get used to these moments, then perhaps you’ll be brave enough to ask “Who am I?”
Who knows. One day you might just get an answer.
Til then….