Where Do We Go From Here?

Monday, May 16, 2011


This morning I found myself confused, questioning my integrity and how I want to be perceived on the internet.  It is very important to me to be in alignment with my mind, body, spirit and soul.  I find when I sign up to post my resume, my business or any social/community group I participate with, its difficult for me to decide what I want to be seen, by whom, where.  So instead of creating different personas online, I try to keep consistent with representing me.  Its all about maintaining balance in my life.

But today I watched some TED with Eli Pariser and he talked about the internet creating "filter bubbles."  My husband and I talk a lot about finding perspective, exposure to news we find irrelevant as well as relevant and simply learning something new.  Its what we feel the internet should be used for; connecting, growing and maturing.  However, internet biggies such as Google and Facebook are tailoring our searches, our lives based so much on what they see us seeking online.  So much so that it has begun to impede our personal growth and defeats our efforts to find purpose... at least in my opinion, a healthy purpose that contributes to the world community.  

It is a good talk and one to give thought to if you find yourself sometimes faced with thinking outside the box, keeping up with all the social media out there, and creating an identity that is well rounded online and off.  The question:

How will the internet evolve from here?  

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tomorrow is the Beginning

The annual Screen Free Week, an effort put forth through the Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood, starts tomorrow.  Are you ready? 

Here's a post from mom and TV editor of Common Sense Media about her approach to turning off the electronic entertainment and turning on the efforts to engage in life. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Turn It Off for a Week - The Challenge

This upcoming week is Screen-Free Week.  That means from April 18th – 24th, the Campaign for Commercial Free Childhood is challenging families to turn off the screen whether it be TV, video games, Youtube, Hulu.com or wherever else you get your screen entertainment from and turn on something else; like your creative, Turn-It-On light bulbs. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Definition of Pop Culture

This might be one of my favorite definitions of pop culture.  Maybe the most accurate.

When they’re good, the Star Wars movies are very fun which means you’re invited to have fun with it.  And when they’re not as good as we would have hoped, then you make fun out of it.  That’s what its all about.  That’s what pop culture is all about.  That’s what being a geek, a dork, a nerd, a fan is all about.  Its having fun with what you enjoy.

The Death Star Repairman
in an interview taken from Jedi Junkies

Out of the Mouths of Babes

There is so much talk around Media Violence and kids.  Basically, from day one, your child will get exposed to some form of violence via the media.  Whether it be Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd going at it or a simple Atari video game (though I'm sure they are obsolete).  Whatever it is, you can't escape it.  In fact, the more you try to shield your child from it, the more they will be drawn - like moth to a flame.  So instead of holing up somewhere under a rock to prevent your young one from pretending to play war games, take the time to:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Balancing Act

For a minute, people didn't want to admit ADHD was even a legitimate disorder so TV watching hours were ignored and kids with behavior issues were just dismissed as "bad kids." But whether ADHD is legitimate or not; whether TV watching, internet surfing and video games are consumed in large quantities or not; whether your kid is just a "bad kid" or not, children need balance in their lives.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Big B… Little B. What Begins with B?


Why is it that people are so turned off, so grossed out, so appalled at a woman who takes her breast out to nurse her baby in public?  Yet when I stand in the grocery store checkout aisle, folks, men and women, are unfazed, maybe even drawn to the weekly with the woman standing on a rocky cliff with two pale yellow acute triangles pasted on her nipples?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Something Original, Please?

I like to people watch.  I used to.  I used to think of it as an interesting and provocative game.  But now it’s more a mundane chore.  I rather stay in bed.  People are all the same at the end of the day.  So it seems.  I take the bus downtown and everyone is wearing the same designer whoever, eating at the most talked about restaurants (no matter how much they suck), talking about the most talked about viral video, or just trying to be the most talked about.  Yawn.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Little Time with You

This is extremely difficult to do but let’s try together.

First, turn off the T.V. in your bathroom, your kitchen, your bedroom, your kids’ room and the living room. 

Turn off your IPod and shut down that Mac. 

Don't reach for that phone.

Put down the People magazine or whatever journal du jour lives on your desk. 

Now sit in a comfy but not too comfy, as it might put you to sleep, chair or sofa. 

Take a deep breath. 

Slowly let it out.

Did you hear that?  Don’t be alarmed.  Its just silence.  True it can be deafening but if you practice first once a day, then maybe twice a day for about 10 minutes, you might actually hear your own thoughts.  Ahhh, yes.  Imagine that.  If you can get used to these moments, then perhaps you’ll be brave enough to ask “Who am I?” 

Who knows.  One day you might just get an answer.

Til then….